alcohol addiction treatment center

4 Benefits of an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center

Entering into an alcohol addiction treatment program means committing to significant change. For many people, this is an opportunity to get help no longer using alcohol and help restore self-confidence, build physical health back up, and even improve relationships. There is no doubt that getting help in an alcohol addiction treatment program can help, but…

woman begins treatment at alcohol detox center

Alcohol Detox Center

With the millions of people engaging in alcohol consumption each year and the many who die from alcohol-related deaths, it’s vital to address this critical problem. If you are struggling with alcohol addiction, you are not alone. Many people are dealing with the same type of problem that you are dealing with. By seeking treatment…

woman begins treatment at alcohol rehab center

Alcohol Rehab Center

Alcohol is the most popular psychoactive substance in the United States, with 139.8 million Americans ages 12 and older drinking monthly. More than 14 million Americans have an alcohol abuse disorder, which typically requires help from an alcohol rehab center to recover from. While alcohol is legal, it is prone to abuse. Alcohol can damage…

woman wonders is alcoholism a mental illness

Is Alcoholism a Mental Illness?

Is alcoholism a mental illness? This is a question that has long been debated. However, there is consensus among many treatment specialists that drinking excessive alcohol over long periods can lead to mental illness. In other instances, alcoholism may occur as a result of mental illness, worsening the illness the longer the individual consumes alcohol.…